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PR Tech Leader Doesn’t Get the Blog Thing…

Paul Abrahams, ex FT hack turned flack at Wag-ED really doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about…

Is blogging the 21st-century equivalent of citizen band radio, the personal radio technology that became so popular in the late 1970s that it was included in a Coronation Street plotline and spawned a generation of bad Burt Reynolds ‘Good Ol’ Boy’ movies?

Tom fires back:

Mr Scoble created many millions of dollars in positive publicity for Microsoft, on a salary of less than $100K. I don’t think WaggEd could have done a fraction of that, for 100 times the payment Mr Scoble received.

It is pretty remarkable that any communicator doesn’t quite grasp the impact of participatory communications and social media – it is even more remarkable to go public with it in such a way. Don’t think bad of Wag-ED though, Frank Shaw has a pretty good blog running which I follow.

If all Paul was trying to do was ignite the debate with a contrarian view – and goodness knows we need them right now – he has done a great job.

2 Responses

  1. By Flaming Nora on September 15th, 2006 at 2:17 am

    Did someone just mention Coronation Street and blogging in the same sentence? Have a look at this then! http://www.corrieblog.tv

  2. By tom foremski on September 15th, 2006 at 10:14 am

    Andy, you’d think Paul would want a debate but he went on “holiday” and still hasn’t been heard from. His colleague Frank Shaw had to jump in and do the work and Frank is in the middle of moving family and home to Seattle! One wonders what kind of service a WaggEd client might receive if Paul is on holiday (the Brits love their holidays!)

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