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Lots On In the Logosphere

I’ve been up to my neck in it at LogLogic as we get a new website, blog and version 3 launched. Sorry for the lack of posts. It’s been a major undertaking and we’re thrilled with the results. The team at RD2 did a terrific job – a tireless and extremely talented bunch.

We’ve done some interesting things with the site and blog. First, we housed the blog as an element of the overall loglogic.com architecture. This enables blog content to be searched and presented alongside the broader site content. Second, we’re using MoveableType to power large elements of the site. This will make the site a lot more self serve. Third, we automated much of the functionality – integrating the blog feeds and site. So, you post the blog and it automatically appears on the loglogic.com home page. Finally, we’ve added RSS for everything from news releases through job opportunities.

We’ve got much more to do and it has been a really interesting project so far. The bottom-line is that building a web site with participatory functionality makes for a much more powerful experience. Let me know what you think.

One Response

  1. By Barbara on October 19th, 2005 at 5:35 pm

    Well done! I’m impressed with the site. I’ve been wondering what next-gen sites will look like, as new media becomes infrastructure rather than add on. One tiny suggestion: where you ask visitors to register for a white paper, why not present a concise exec summary of the content right on the registration page, and include links on the reg page to the blog/RSS push of the summary plus comments/trackbacks?

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