Take a look at our new Women in Focus blog and community site. Really like the work that our team is doing there to enable more Women entrepreneurs thrive. Loved the video of Karen jumping out of the plane…
Three Simple Steps to Free Movie Tickets
We launched new Facebook deals today. Should be fun.
Facebook Check In Deals, which launched in Australia today offers people special discounts, simply by checking in when they use Facebook on their mobile. We are excited to announce that we are the first Australian Bank to launch this type of campaign leveraging Facebook.
We are offering free movie vouchers for an entire year to the first 2200 customers who check in to any Commonwealth Bank Branch via Facebook Places and open an Everyday Account. Customers must make a purchase on their new Keycard or Debit MasterCard within 30 days of account origination and make at least one purchase each month to enjoy the full years worth of voucher. You can get more details here and on our Facebook page.

Slow Posting
I was asked what was up with the slow posting… Had I made the flip to serial Tweeter, Intsagrammer and Foursquarer?
Well, kind of. The reality is I’ve just been flat out starting a new gig, moving across the planet and all that goes with those two big life changes.
But I am missing the writing and have tons I’ve been thinking about. So watch this space.
You Versus Sleep
Was reading these amazing stats that compare the average rider with a TDF rider. What was really staggering was the work to sleep ratio. Clear message that we all ignore too much – Performance requires sleep.
During the Tour, the pros average about 2 hours of sleep for every hour of racing.
Site of The Week
The Brander… great collection of brand stories and curation of ideas. Like this story on Mother Denim and this one on Le Pain Quotidien.