What gadgets are you using to track your fitness. Here’s a good list form over at TechCrunch. Here are mine, and some I’ve retired:
- FitBit – small, accurate, easy to carry. Doesn’t do cycling well but great for everything else.
- MyFitnessPal (app) brilliant tracker and food logger
- Garmin Edge 500 (for the bike) – brilliant and essential for tracking rides
- Strava (app) great for tracking rides. Garmin does much of the same for me but this is a handy back-up.
- Nike FuelBand: too big and bulky. Not accurate. And I lost it.
- JawboneUp: Liked this. was a 1st generation unit and lost faith in it after all their issues with it.
So, there you go. What are you using to track your fitness progress?