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Jay Interviews David

Great interview with David Akin over at Pressthink.

Okay. It’s the Internet that’s changing journalism. If that’s the case, why blog?

David Akin: The blog is an increasingly important tool for newsgathering and for maintaining a connection with the community or ecosystem of those that you report on. That last part was the bit that surprised me as I started blogging. It has made my print reporting interactive.

I write; I publish. And that used to be the end of it. Now, I write, I publish and a community of people who have special knowledge or who are deeply interested in the topic amplify, correct, modify, or extend the reportage. For a beat reporter, this is fabulous, because I now have more knowledge about my beat.

I haven’t seen this work for my television reporting and I think there are a couple of reasons. First, blogs, like newspapers, are a logocentric medium and TV is not. Second, you can’t easily link to TV pieces or “quote” TV pieces or respond in the same way as the original piece, that is, with video.

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