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Ask A Silly Question…

In the “ask a silly question, get a silly answer category” is this headline from AdAge:-


$80,000 A SECOND?

Well… HELL NO! They go on to flag a new survey which suggests it is…

Super Bowl ad rates have notched their annual mind-numbing record — and it turns out that marketers paying $2.4 million to Fox for 30 seconds of fame may be getting a great deal.

An online survey last year of 500 consumers by InsightExpress found that while 54% of Americans planned to watch the game, 50% were watching specifically for the commercials and 58% said they pay closer attention to ads during the Super Bowl than those they see every day.

“That people are actively engaged in seeing the ads also helps the ROI,” Mr. Hess said. “It’s well known in experimental psychology that if you discuss something after seeing it … it helps reinforce the memory.” AdAge, Feb 1, 2005

Um, yeah…. Get some PR going folks. Same eZine also carried this headline

SONY PAYS $25,000 A


First, that seems bloody cheap – sorry, really great value – and sets the bar pretty low for Blog sponsorship. Second, what an incredibly smart thing to do. Gizmodo is quickly becoming one of the key sources for all things geeky. What a great place to reach the early adopter audience. Apparently the ads don’t stop there. Sony will be advertising on the new LifeHacker site. Denton also launched Gridskipper today.

Sony’s ads on LifeHacker and Gizmodo will include standard-size leaderboards, medium rectangles and skyscrapers. LifeHacker’s editorial scope comprises software downloads, spam filters, spyware and e-mail applications among other topics. “If you have a buddy who tells you everything that’s cool online, LifeHacker would be that buddy,” Mr. Denton said. Gina Trapani will edit the site. She is a blogger known for Scribbling.net, a personal journal that also discusses technology.

Gridskipper is a bit of a yawn… at least for me. Too much like Wallpaper/Surface. I much prefer – so far – the Flavorpill eZines which are content rich.

BTW – AdAge has the stupidest, most annoying subscription scheme I’ve ever encountered. Get over it gang and open up that site… Dan said it well:

Newspapers: Open Your Archives

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