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A Nice Little Blog Innovation… Blink

Hylton’s got a nice little Blog innovation over at Corante [disclosure:: I write for Brandshift on Corante].

“…the intent of the Blink is to differentiate its content from the longer, meatier posts and to provide a space in which you can provide short pointers to interesting items/articles/blogs that don’t require much commentary. As well as to provide a vehicle that allows you to dump things into the blog, integrates a linklog, keeps the blog fresh, etc..

Take a look at
Suw Charman and Copyfight to see this in action. This is great in terms of architecting information delivery in the sense it provides a simple way for the reader to visually filter content on the blog outside of category clicking…

4 Responses

  1. By Steve Rubel on February 14th, 2005 at 3:00 pm

    Brandshit? Hmmm.

  2. By Andy Lark on February 14th, 2005 at 3:30 pm

    yeah, yeah, yeah… fixed the typo… one of those days…

  3. By Elisa Camahort on February 14th, 2005 at 3:31 pm

    Damn: Steve caught your typo before I could give you a hard time over it.

    I was wondering if it was intentional snark or just Freudian…i guess the latter!

  4. By Andy Lark on February 14th, 2005 at 3:45 pm

    Nah, more the effects of serious inebriation resulting from a weekend at the LA 7s. See above post. I’m glad I’ve bought a little sparkle to everyone’s day and having just spent three freakin hours at the Genius Bar… not so Genius afterall… I’d like a sparkle back…

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