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Measurement Moves

Measurement leader Cymfony today launched its Influence 2.0 initiative with a new set of analytics – Market Influence Analytics:

Messages in the Influence 2.0 world must run the gauntlet of traditional and social media sources on the way to reach their intended target. Along the way they are amended, appended, extended and up-ended. Understanding the paths of influence and how this affects the audience’s reception of the message requires a different kind of service than PR measurement or CGM monitoring.

Taking a quick look at what they are up to, Cymfony is making some strong moves toward understanding the power of recommendation (their measurement engine has a unique advantage here) that should make them attractive to any F1000 looking to track influence vs. opportunities to see. Here is what they have to say on the initiative:

Cymfony’s goal is to kick off an industry-wide effort to fully understand the changes underway, and educate companies, brands, marketers, PR professionals and others who aren’t as deeply immersed in these changes as we are.

This is a great initiative and I like what they are up to here. Igniting a dialog is as important as launching the ideas and solutions. Understanding recommendation and its relationship to OTS should be something that every communicator is looking at. Moreover, it extends the communications measurement mandate into the heart of product, brand and marketing management.

You can read more in the first chapter of their eBook and are encouraging you to contribute to the conversation via their wiki. And they’ve updated their site along with new blog.

Deb Eastman of Biz360 has also launched a blog.

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