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A Different Kind Of Measurement

The results of monitoring and measuring emotion and sentiment in the blogosphere afford all kinds of opportunity to rethink visual rendering of data. Do you use a bar chart? A table? Take a look at these projects. Some remarkable graphics and thinking.


The first is Lovelines. “Through large scale blog analysis, Lovelines illuminates the topography of the emotional landscape between love and hate, as experienced by countless normal humans keeping personal online journals.”

“Using a data collection engine created by the artists for their recent collaboration, We Feel Fine, Lovelines examines thousands of blogs every few minutes to find expressions of love and hate, posted by all manner of people.

Created by Jonathan Harris and Sepandar Kamvar, projects like these show that measurement is in fact an art, and moving.

See more at number27.org.

2 Responses

  1. By Antony Mayfield on May 14th, 2006 at 7:15 am

    Excellent post – thanks for pointing to this, it’s fascinating.

    I think that we need new models to make sense of networked communities and the massive volumes of content they generate. It’s great to see inspiration about hwo to do this truly coming from the leftfield.

    Very healthy, better than trying to strait-jacket everything into the models and modes of thinking we use for the industrial age of information and media.

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