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News Blinks – Friday April 14

  • Why does Stoneyfield Farms blog? Find out at the Red Couch.
  • Greg P’s Blog on what’s like to be Sun working with MSFT…
  • And just in case you wanted to know what Area51 looks like, try Google maps
  • Open Access Education Journals – Cool! Now if we could just do the same for text books.
  • PressThink Q & A with Bill Grueskin, Managing Editor of the Wall Street Journal Online
  • You’re going to want to read Tim Porter from the American Society of Newspaper Editors.
  • And I’m wondering if this six point list doesn’t apply just as much to PR.
    1. The 10 Percent Solution. Devote at least 10 percent of the newsroom budget each year to new product and staff development
    2. Don’t Tinker, Explode. Big rewards come from big bets.
    3. Leadership in Uncertain Times: Change Must Come from the Top.
    4. Boring Begone!: Most newspapers are filled from front to back with generic copy, must of it ripped from the wires, the rest written by reporters cover institutional events in stenographic fashion. Stop it.
    5. Don’t Cover the Community, Be the Community.
    6. Hire Do-ers, Learners and Critical Thinkers First, Then the J-School Grads.

The message here: In today’s media world the audience – and their money – follows trust and credibility, characteristics that evolve from authenticity, transparency and voice, rarities in our newspapers. – Tim Porter.


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