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Cymfony Launches Blog…

Measurement co’ Cymfony launches a blog on measurement – current content seems to be more generic PR… If you are looking for measurement tips, take a look at Katie’s blog.

3 Responses

  1. By Julie Woods on April 20th, 2005 at 8:50 am

    Andy I couldn’t agree with you more about Katie. She is definitely a thought leader in measurement and a great resource on the subject who we are linked to as well. With our blog, we are trying to provide updates on current discussions about measurement, marketing, pr and market research. Many of our clients have told us that they are new to blogging and want a general resource to start with that gets updated far more frequently than a website. We are trying out a group blog to get more people from Cymfony involved and to cover a wide set of topics. Some companies have failed at this approach and some have succeeded. Hopefully we’ll succeed over time, but I agree that it’s important to provide deeper insight for our readers and share more of Cymfony’s perspectives.

  2. By Andy on April 20th, 2005 at 10:26 am

    I think you have a terrific opportunity here to contribute to the measurement dialogue. My tip for you is to focus your blog. Focus on generating original content and not over pointing (flagging other stories). I’m finding that the folks I delete from my newsfeed are primarily the over pointers.

    Much of this adheres to the old writing maxims – focus your content, pick a topic and stick to it…

    You might also think about assembling a group of writers to contribute on measurement.

  3. By Julie Woods on April 20th, 2005 at 11:05 am

    That’s a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion and encouragement.

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