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NZ Defnitely Not For Sale…

A comedic incident makes the front page of The Reg.

An Australian man, obviously a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock, tried to flog off Aotearoa* on online auction site eBay.

Bidding started at just one cent, and 6,000 hits and 22 bids later, only AUS$3,000 was offered for the “half gallon, quarter acre, pavlova paradise” before eBay pulled the auction.

Now, as El Reg points out, Aussies have been stealing from Kiwis for years – pavlova, Split Enz, Sam Neil, and Russell Crowe, to name a few. Remember, it was El Reg that said it, but…

But even for a nation of convicts, their latest attempt at a land grab rates as the biggest case of green eyed monster we’ve seen yet.

But if they did have a clue they’d know that eBay is zippo in NZ. Local firm TradeMe is the leading auction site in the country. So, if you were hoping to wind us up you might have chosen an auction site that we actually use.

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One Response

  1. By Tony on May 16th, 2006 at 4:52 pm

    Is this a case of the kiwis strike back, or just some strange woman doing meditation?


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