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Project da vinci

Today we announced Project da Vinci which has at it’s core the selection of WPP to create a global marketing agency for Dell. 

This is one of the most exciting ventures I have been involved in – and one of the reasons I came to Dell.  Tomorrow we start on the journey of creating a next generation of marketing services firm that will set aside all the notions that plaque large and existing agency | client relationships.

We’ve got some great agencies working with us and we will explore ways of keeping it that way, albeit in a new operating construct.

One of the key drivers of this decision was the collapsing boundries between communications and other disciplines – especially online.  Year to date we have had nearly 100 million conversations with customers online – and it’s increasing.  How we ignite and contribute to these conversations is truly a multidisciplinary practice.  Managing it through multiple agencies was proving very difficult and bred considerable complexity.

I’ll share with you thoughts and learnings from the journey.

6 Responses

  1. By ST on December 4th, 2007 at 6:33 am

    I want a sexy tungsten-finish laptop with all the cutting edge jazz inbuilt: webcam, fingerprint authentication, Windows xp (not Vista, and at no extra cost), fastest dvd burner, four gig of memory, and a kickbutt 15 inch screen. Vaio seems to be the only one with the sleep looking model and a regular keyboard. Rest all of this is noise. Warm fuzzy brand or no brand, no one gives a fig anymore. I don’t see any marketing from Sony Vaio. But I love their stuff and recommend it like crazy to everyone I care about. Which is instructive, because about five years ago I was doing the same for Latitudes.

  2. By SpongeBob on December 4th, 2007 at 6:58 am

    I find this most intriguing: “We’ve got some great agencies working with us and we will explore ways of keeping it that way, albeit in a new operating construct.”

    Right. From the “call a spade a shovel and cross your fingers” school of thought? 🙂 Sounds like same old win in a new bottle to me.

  3. By Tom O’Brien on December 11th, 2007 at 1:59 pm

    Hi Andy:

    Nice blog. I have been saying that the Dell WPP deal is Agency 2.0 (well, it might be . . .)

    One group that owns the story, another that brings it to life, and a third who figures out how to *distribute* the story over the ever growing number of channels (TV, Print, Online, social media, etc.) And sitting over on the side is another group who measures the ROI of the whole venture – they help keep the whole thing on track by letting you know what works.

    Tom O’B

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