Archive for the ‘Required Reading’ Category

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When going Mobile, Go Lo-fi

A great definition and a paper well worth a read.

“Low-fidelity mobile advertising campaigns are effective when they are for products that trigger further thought and consideration, which includes campaigns for high (versus low) involvement products, and for products that are seen as more utilitarian (versus more hedonic).”

According to the study:

“Low-fi mobile ads that, as a consequence of their design and technology restrictions, contain relatively small amounts of information are effective when used in situations where consumers have both the ability and motivation to process and elaborate on the information in a deliberate fashion.

Hat tip to Snarketing for the link.

  • Connect

This ANZAC day…

Take time to remember. One way you can do this is to take the time to watch this movie produced by the extraordinarily talented Martin Walsh. It is incredibly moving and a reminder of the sacrifice made by so many.

105 Australians and 3 New Zealanders fought and defeated an overwhelming enemy force of 2,500 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers in a rubber plantation in South Vietnam called Long Tan. This three and a half hour battle was so fierce it resulted in the deaths of 18 Australians and more than 500 enemy.

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Just Love this Video

  • Inspired

Great brands are built on a deeper truth than merely “engagement”. Brand engagement is a measure. But not the measure.

“…a strong relationship develops by supporting people in living their lives, not by driving brand involvement. As I like to say, “It’s about the people, stupid.”

A must read over at The Atlantic.

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Why treat loyal customers’ like children?

I fly lots. Lots and lots. The result of which is a massive accumulation of loyalty and miles. And a range of experiences so diverse I could write a book. That is, I would write a book if the airlines actually listened to customers.

Years ago on returning to Dell I discovered that Michael Dell had put a pretty simple mantra in place – one that came to define our social strategy. It was this: listen to customers and respond. You don’t always have to do what they want, but where it makes sense, you’d better. Why can’t airlines embrace this simple strategy?

Take United. They are investing millions to convince us that the recent merger is brilliant. And yet for those of us flying across the pond it is just terrible. The food is disgusting. The staff indifferent. The seats old and cheap. And the entertainment anemic. I pointed this out on my last flight and was told – “yeah, we get that lots – btw, you want to avoid the coffee, the water on the planes is bad”. For a feedback loop like this to work, someone has to be listening.

United is so bad I would rather fly to NZ, suffer a connection, and head to the US with Air New Zealand. But even Air NZ has its moments.

Take this little doozy. Kristen ends-up in hospital with tonsillitas and cant take the kids to NZ this week. We need to move the flights. Even with all those miles and loyalty, they want a doctors certificate. Really? We are back at school now? How about this – send a get well card, thank her for the loyalty and for choosing Air NZ, and move the flights. You really want to nickel and dime illness? Serious illness?

Now I know some customers are going to play the system. But when you see that Gold Elite status pop-up it might be a good idea to not think it is one of them.

In the end we just sent off our little certificate for a refund and are in the process of rebooking. Probably with Jetstar. So there you go – treat your customers like children, and they’ll shop elsewhere. Treat your product like a value airline, and your loyal customers will go shop with the value airlines.

These are the real “zero moments of truth”. And they make or break brands. They depend on listening. Listening is one of the new — and oldest — sources of competitive advantage. But it only works if you do something. And that is the moment of truth that turns most social media programs from a source of advantage into bandaids chasing a constant stream of self inflicted wounds.

Remember what the little guy said – “No try, just do”.