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Efficiency vs. Meaning

Efficiency doesn’t equal meaning. That’s the essence of Nick Carr’s comments on Google. I tend to agree. Knowing involves work – and while search is certainly part of the work, the result doesn’t yield knowing other than at the most basic level.

"It’s not what you know," writes Google’s Marissa Mayer, "it’s what you can find out." That’s as succinct a statement of Google’s intellectual ethic as I’ve come across. Forget "I think, therefore I am." It’s now "I search, therefore I am." It’s better to have access to knowledge than to have knowledge. "The Internet empowers," writes Mayer, with a clumsiness of expression that bespeaks formulaic thought, "better decision-making and a more efficient use of time."

…It’s not what you can find out, Frost and James and Poirier told us; it’s what you know. Truth is self-created through labor, through the hard, inefficient, unscripted work of the mind, through the indirection of dream and reverie. What matters is what cannot be rendered as code. Google can give you everything but meaning.

One Response

  1. By Beatriz on September 17th, 2012 at 10:00 pm

    DariaThis video is not appropriate for moredn Islam. Especially for women who are just very new to Islam or willing to convert to Islam might be turned off after watching this video. We live in year 2010 where there’s a high volume of hate against Islam and Muslims. I strongly believe we should be able to blend in the today’s society and not should be identified as Muslims from the way we dress but from our characteristics and life style we should be able to impress our society. I think you should remove this video as soon as possible for the sake of Islam and future possible Muslim sisters..Это видео не подходит для современного ислама. Специально для женщин, которые только приняли или собираются принять ислам, могут передумать после просмотра этого видео. Мы живем в 2010 году, где присутствует большое количество ненависти в отношении ислама и мусульман. Я твердо верю, что мы должны быть в состоянии вписаться в современном обществе и не должны быть идентифицированы как мусульмане от того, как мы одеваемся, а из наших особенностей и образа жизни мы должны суметь убедить нашего общества. Я думаю, вы должны удалить это видео как можно скорее ради ислама и будущих возможностей мусульманских сестер ..

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