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A Snapshot of the Marketing Business

Nice post here by Richard Edelman on an event they staged last week. Some highlights:

  • Ideas are paramount. Too much time is spent on where to communicate, not enough on what to talk about. Ideas can be gathered by listening to stakeholders and consumers online. Yes! As much as I love the science of communications and marketing, we shouldn’t ever forget that first and foremost we are a creative profession!
  • The new sweet spot for video content is a 3-4 minute segment, between long form (movie) and short form (30 second spot). This is the average length of segments on YouTube. Can’t wait till all corporate pitches conform to the same format – like Demo!
  • There is further proof of Linda Stone’s adage, “The World of Continuous Partial Attention”. Thirty eight percent of those watching the Oscars on TV were also on-line. People may be watching TV but are watching TV differently.

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