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Ten Blogs | PR & Marketing

I’m frequently asked what blogs I follow regularly. The simple answer would be to direct people to my blogroll – but I haven’t updated that in ages. Another item for the “to-do on a rainy day” list. So, I’m going to start a short series of posts with my top ten blogs in different categories.

My blog reader is a bit like the New York Times Sunday edition – very diverse. I enjoy the serendipity of stumbling across all kinds of relevant content. So I’m going to start with the practical – the marketing and PR blogs I scan daily.

I keep my hundreds of feeds in different folders – these are pulled from my “Read Today” folder and are the ones I spend time on most.

  1. Micro Persuasion: I look at Steve’s blog mainly for breaking Web2.0 and PR news. I’d say I read it less as a blog and more as a source of news. I also like what Jeremy as to say over at PopPR and also Johnnie Moore.
  2. Richard Edelman – 6 A.M: Great views and opinions. I like Richard’s perspective on the industry. His postings aren’t that frequent but I also enjoy reading Harold Burson.
  3. KDPaine’s PR Measurement Blog: Katie is the pioneer of so much of what we see today in measurement. If you are into accountable communications and marketing, you should start here.
  4. Keith O’Brien: I like his writing in PRWeek and like the blog.
  5. Holmes Blog: I breathed a sigh of relief when PRWeek launched in the US – it just seemed so wrong that all the US PR Industry had was a facsimile newsletter. Saying that, Paul’s writing on PR issues and trends is unmatched – the .pdf Holmes Report is a must to subscribe to.
  6. Armadgeddon: AR is the least appreciated element of the communications and marketing mix – yet the analysts are as, if not more, influential than the media. The dialogue is good and the observations relevant – if not a tad AR-biased. Some of the posts on transparency and the relationship between Analysts and paying companies are off the mark in my mind.
  7. James Governor: Not a marketing or PR blog but James’ observations on AR and marketing are very thoughtful.
  8. The 463: A tech policy blog. We need more of them. Also read Tim Dyson’s blog – leader of Next Fifteen, the mother ship for brands like Bite and Outcast.
  9. The Long Tail & Gladwell: Again, not strictly marketing blogs but that is the lens through which I look at them.
  10. Marketing Headhunter: Lots of good thoughts from Harry.

OK – so there is more than ten… Ooops, forgot one for all PR and media types. Read Jay Rosen whenever he posts.

2 Responses

  1. By Harry Joiner on May 20th, 2006 at 10:31 am

    Wow! I just saw this. How humbling to be on a list by Andy Lark which includes such marketing and PR luminaries. Thanks!

  2. By james governor on May 22nd, 2006 at 5:33 am

    Yes indeedy. Thanks Andy!

    Have you see the informationweek piece yet?

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