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Inc. captures some of the essential thoughts from Drucker… including some you might not have come across…

Zen: In 1998, when the writer Harriet Rubin interviewed Drucker at his home forInc., he showed her this passage from a book on Japanese art: “The Zen-inspired painter seeks the ‘truth’ of a landscape, like that of religion, in sudden enlightenment. This allows no time for careful detailed draftsmanship. After long contemplation, he is expected to be able to seize inner truth in a swordlike stroke of the brush….” Similarly, Drucker achieved enlightenment through quiet observation, waiting patiently until he saw an idea whole, then rendering universal truth in the swift space of a sentence. Thus was the essence of the master.

One Response

  1. By Enes on September 15th, 2012 at 11:37 pm

    Well done to think of smtoheing like that

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