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Productivity Boosters

Couple of little boosters here:

  1. If you are using OneNote – and you should be – hitting the Windows+S key will activate a screen capture. Highlight the area you would like to capture and it will drop it into your notebook.
  2. Download Canvas for OneNote from Microsoft Labs. If you have a big monitor this is a great way to access and arrange your notes.
  3. Download “Do Not Disturb” for Outlook and do away with pesky emails while you try to focus on a task at hand.

One Response

  1. By Bob on March 17th, 2009 at 7:27 am

    I just discovered a wonderful Outlook productivity tool called Xobni. It pulls together information from other sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Skype and puts it into a window inside Outlook. The cool thing is it summarizes your associated activity with each contact giving you metrics behind the data. Very cool.

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