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On Vista…

Having grown entirely sick of the negative coverage on Vista (how could Microsoft have let it get so bad?) it was great to see Gizmodo present a more balanced view on Vista features. Vista is a big step forward over XP. For me its all about:

  • Arguably the best search features of any OS.
  • Immediate start-up. The continuing broken record on slow start-up is garbage. I’ve got two systems running Vista – I touch the keyboard and my XPS-One is on. I open my M1330, swipe my finger across the reader, and its on. And they’ve been up and running for months.
  • Fast. You’re nuts if you aren’t buying at least 2gb of RAM for your notebook. And for the small additional cost, go to 4.
  • Office runs better. And Office is better on Vista than any other platform. Period.
  • Looks great.
  • Media Center is an awesome DVR and brilliant addition.

I agree that there are still problems. Just as there are problems with OSX. They are about on par when it comes to Wireless networking – which remains a pain at times on both platforms. And I wish I had more control over Windows Explorer.

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