Archive for December, 2008

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Blog Response guide

This is actually pretty good. Hat tip to the airforce and globalnerdy


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Reads & Feeds

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Pushing The Reset Button

Good thoughts here on pushing the reset button in 2009. I especially like this one:

  • Maintain the chain. There are so many fitness goals and programs you can get into. If you live anywhere like I do, the guys from 24 Hour Fitness are on the corner downtown recruiting people like gangbusters. With all these fitness routines and exercises you can find, it’s hard to see through the noise. A simplified resolution is to create an exercise chain and all you need is a calendar. Now for the month of January make a pact to exercise every day. Each day you exercise, you put an X through that day on calendar. Your job is to not break the chain. I’ve personally found this to be an awesome motivator because you can see all the progress you’ve made and it would hurt too much to break the chain.
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Michael Is Right

Twittering etc. is useful but it can’t compromise the kind of thinking that occurs in a blog. Michael is right with regard Scoble. Chattering and conversations are a way of discovering and forming ideas, but at some point hitting pause to assemble something more than a tweet is critical.

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I really like how FEDEX is breaking down the barrier between internal and external comms, posting announcements like this to their blog. Really interesting to read the comments which blend both internal and external comms.

This gets at a point I made yesterday in terms of evolving comms strategies where the onus is shifting to direct communications and engagement.