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twitter’s biz model

Some twittering today on Twitter’s business model, or the apparent lack thereof.

IMHO, business models follow subscribers in this new world.  First build participation and subs, then monetize your new found community.  Sounds crass, but that’s reality. Scale comes before dollars.  Jason says it all really… as

does StoweSo, what would I do if I was Twitter… some initial thoughts…

  1. Don’t do applications… rather, continue to let people be drawn to the platform by plenty of cool apps – but develop a revenue share model with application builders
  2. Introduce some “in-stream” advertising – actually let users specify what kinds of ads we want to see along with contextual ads
  3. Introduce “out-of-stream” advertising. Ads that sit in or around the twitter page.
  4. Push SMS Twitters – where I can push an individual twitter to someone as an SMS, collect on every push. Intro SMS advertising.
  5. Take it pro – give us a professional version. Also, sell the professional version to Enterprises so that we can build our own communities on the platform.  Include app like Snitter with pro sub fee.
  6. Intro file, photo and folder sharing for a small, Flickr like charge… as I am watching a stream of activity I can instantly share a file in the stream… that would be handy

Some initial thoughts…

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