Jason as an intriguing post on how to run a start-up… I agree with much of what he says, except, “buy Apple, have no IT department”. Ok – I’m biased – but I’ve also walked both side of this argument many times.
An Apple will cost you more over the long-run just based on HW costs. In terms of removing complexity – hyper-proprietary technology won’t get you there. Moreover, you’ll be FORCED into unnecessary hardware upgrades as they move the OS forward – something Microsoft hasn’t done yet.
Speaking of GTD, Apple is a sinkhole. I’ve experimented endlessly with productivity apps… Yet, after the cocoa shine wears off, you’re left with an un-integrated work-around that adds endless searches for patches, hacks, and adding more tools to your GTD mix. Being a sucker for those slick interfaces is incredibly costly to an organization in start-up mode, trying to be efficient…
Hey Andy, here is a link to financial guru and author James Altucher. He used to be a huge apple fanatic, but he talks about ease of use of a Mac vs PC and open vs. proprietary. He does like the iPhone and the stock. https://tinyurl.com/378k7a
What? makes no sense to me. When does Apple force youto sarch for endless patches hacks and so on?