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More Changes to Google Wallet

More Google Wallet disruptions of the less positive kind. I wonder if major developers are starting to prioritize Apple on the roadmap for the stability of the roadmap alone. Its a case of “the worse but stable roadmap is better than the sexy unstable roadmap”.

It never ceases to amaze me the PR-spin wrapped into these kinds of announcements… while cancelling the functionality, they are quick to say that we shouldn’t worry, because we are doing something like it that will come later. The issue with this approach is that while it might be ok for consumer communications, it isn’t a cred builder with serious enterprises who look to stable roadmaps and long-term commitments as a precursor to supporting platforms.

This is what they said: We’re working with retailers on other options for gift and loyalty card redemption within Google Wallet, and are excited to share them with you soon.” Yeah, right.

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