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Hagel Interview

Interesting conversation with John Hagel. I like these points…

  • The need to shift from firewall around the company mentality to a modularized firewall around core company IP
  • How you cannot participate in knowledge flows for very long if you are only a “taker”
  • The importance of face-to-face in building trusted relationships
  • The importance of having hyper-local face-to-face components in large online community
  • The balance between the need to increase the number of partners we engage with with the need to build deep relationships in order to allow knowledge flow
  • The talent Dilbert paradox and how talent is motivated by the talent development
  • How you need a high growth strategy to attract and keep talent
  • The importance of the “collaboration curve” in scaling the organizational learning, which they described in detail on their new blog – The Big Shift
  • The importance for companies to start adopting a federated view/architecture for their online community efforts

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