Some big ideas in here. Especially around creating contagious ideas.
Welcome to the Daily Lark, the rants, ramblings and musings of Andy Lark – serial opinionator, mover and shaker
Some big ideas in here. Especially around creating contagious ideas.
this coke animation is deeply satirical, isn’t it?
An answer from an expert! Thanks for conritbtuing.
2lA34a ovvqvmwwmsqd
Ugh, Jeff. No way! Prose is one thing and cxnteot is another. Gore Vidal was one of the most palatial writers of his day but it still doesn’t change the fact that the he was sophistic ass. Brooks is cut from the same mold.
YzLHna sjvwykqwavke
7KV6kl qtcjmrywheve
fSQo8d dwcadxibxwki