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… from marketingvox

Chinese Social Media Use Surpasses US
Related research from Netpop also examines the social networking environment in China and finds that 92% of the 243 million broadband consumers in that country (224 million) ages 13+ contribute to social media. This is compared with only 76% of the American broadband population.

Additional findings about Chinese users:

  • China has a sizable proportion of social media contributors who participate in many Web 2.0 activities, including blogs, micro-blogs, social media, video and photo sharing
  • 43% of Chinese broadband users (105 million) contribute to forums and discussion boards.
  • Young professionals ages 25-29 are the most active users of social media in China. They use more online modes of communication more often than any other age group.
  • 37 percent of bloggers, or 29 million bloggers, post to blogs on a daily basis.
  • 41 million Chinese are heavy social media contributors (6+ activities) who connect with 84 people on a ‘one-to-many’ basis in a typical week.

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