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Project Platypus

Great read from GAIN with Ivy Ross over at Matell on brands and innovation. Tackles the issue of how you take a large, existing organization and encourage innovation:

GAIN: And the normal company structure didn’t allow for this type of exploration?

ROSS: I have 450 people who work for me. Everyone is busy all the time—practically 24/7—just growing our existing brands. No one has time to become truly immersed in the possibilities. Through this project we are trying to create a way of working together that is more of a living system. Take a cow, for example. If you want to get milk out of a cow, you have to give it time to graze. These days, no one has time to graze. No one has time to explore. It’s not just about giving people the best equipment and software to work with, it’s about feeding their soul, their mind and creating an environment that each of them can grow in.

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