• Connect


There has to be a better way of identifying an app in the iTunes store than through the App name. Search for the new Gmail app yeilds a massive list of apps, none of them the new Gmail app. Search is doing its job, but marketers aren’t.

  • Connect

Great Move by ETNZ

Team NZ just struck a great partnership with Luna Rossa. They guys at Sailing Anarchy say it well:

The agreement puts some real pressure on Oracle to accelerate their program, but Artemis will be the most hurt here as the odd man out, and Cayard’s got to be incensed. Time will tell whether the Swedish team’s cooperative relationship with the Defender is truly in their own best interest, but one thing is for sure: Winning the Louis Vuitton Cup just got a hell of a lot harder. While for us and ten million screaming Italians, it just got way more fun.

  • Connect

Born to Entertain

Great story here on my good mate Darryl Lovegrove. He did a brilliant job at Morgo last week. If you are looking for a speaker for your next event, you can’t go past Darryl for content and entertainment value. There aren’t too many people who can get a bunch of geeks singing opera at 9am in the morning.

  • Learned

Banks on Twitter

We are doing OK but have much to do to drive online engagement. Here is the rub:

Here’s the rest of the stats for the 400 retail banks on Twitter and how they all break down.


  • Banks with less than 200 followers: 188 (47%)
  • Banks with more than 1,000 followers: 40 (19.8%)
  • Banks with more than 5,000 followers: 27 (6.8%)
  • Number of people following banks on Twitter: 713,744
    (246,334 or 35% of which are attributed to AmEx, arguably not a retail bank)
  • Average number of followers per bank: 1,784
  • Mean number of followers: 222


  • Banks following no one: 43 (10.8%)
  • Banks following 10 people or less: 102 (25.5%)
  • Banks following fewer than 200 people: 275 (68.8%)
  • Banks following 1,000 people or more: 40 (10%)
  • Mean number of people followed: 64


  • Banks with 10 tweets or less: 53 (13.3%)
  • Banks sending over 1,000 tweets total: 58 (14.5%)
  • Total tweets sent by 400 English-speaking banks: 363,344
  • Average number of tweets sent per bank: 908
  • Mean number of tweets sent: 195


  • Banks who tweeted in the last 2 hours: 78 (19.5%)
  • Banks who tweeted in the last 24 hours: 166 (41.5%)
  • Banks who tweeted in the last week: 238 (59.5%)
  • Banks who haven’t tweeted in a month or more: 121 (30.3%)
  • Banks who haven’t tweeted in over a year: 65 (16.3%)
  • Banks who have never sent a tweet: 15 (3.8%)
  • Loved

How Twitter Found Gabby

For those of you that know Gabby – my once crazy little Jack Russell terrier – you’d also know she was prone to, well, escape. Not so much wander off, but rather stage daring, high speed escapes that included scaling wire fences, tunneling out and leaping from windows.

Unfortunately Gabby couldn’t make the tip to Australia. Something about the flight, being 12, snakes, quarantine… So, we found her a great new home which she clearly loves. But she escaped.

And so it goes that I get a tweet, yep, a tweet, on Sunday night that a couple have found her. Then a facebook message.

Before you know it, Gabby is back home. So, to the couple that took the time to track us down – you are stars. Just brilliant!

To Gabby, stay home little girl.