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A Study In Two TVCs

Thought this Bonds number ate the latest from Google for lunch…

  • Inspired

On Google Brand Pages

Interesting view from Scoble. I’m noticing a steady shift away from a view that launching incomplete or beta versions of products when you are well established is just not good enough. Once it was a marketing advantage, when competing against well entrenched players though, it just looks like you don’t get it.

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The Rise of Social Power

Just got to reading this killer piece of writing by David Kirkpatrick. Thought this quote captured the piece well:

The institutions of modern developed societies, whether governments or companies, are not prepared for this new social power. People are changing faster than companies. “I don’t think it’s crazy to ask if your CEO is the next Mubarak,” says Gary Hamel, one of business’ most eminent theoreticians of management. “The elites—or managers in companies—no longer control the conversation. This is how insurrections start.” Says Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce.com, Inc. : “This isn’t just about Arab spring. This is about corporate spring.”

If you want more on the revolution, visit Gary’s Management Information Exchange.

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News & Views

And, hot job of the week. Super Kiwi Start-up, well funded, great leadership, is looking for a crack marketing leader based in the Bay Area. Heaps to do – must be web and demand generation savvy. Drop me an email if you are interested.
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And this is why I am frustrated…

Launch and App and then pull it… sigh. Bugs, blah…