Great story over at TrendCentral on Kaching and what we are up to. Paypass is a great way to pay always gets a gasp from people when you do it with an iPhone.
Kaching: With the rise of near-field communication (NFC) technology, mobile payment platforms are evolving from novelty into necessity. To demonstrate its dedication to mobile banking and Gen Ys’ on-the-go sensibility, Commonwealth Bank of Australia is set to release a branded, iOS-only, NFC payment app, called Kaching. The app will allow iPhone users to transfer money to friends via mobile device, Facebook, or email, and pay for goods at any location where PayPass is accepted. To combat a lack of universal NFC capability, Commonwealth plans to release an NFC-enabled phone case (price to be determined). Interested iPhone owners can register here to be notified when the app and case become available.