• Learned

Knowing When The Funnel Doesn’t Matter

Most marketers in tech – and most inudstries — obsess over the funnel. At what point and what rate are we converting people from awareness to consideration to buying and loyalty. There are as many funnel taxonomies as there are views on how to move someone through the funnel.

But does the funnel matter for all purchases? Arguably not. Think of a good burger – lots of awareness, lots of loyalty, not much of a funnel. The argument has long been that the funnel matters most for any capital purchase. But as Aaker points out, as industries mature and we accept basic quality and performance benchmarks exist, funnels start to collapse. Relating his experience of replacing his computer, he says “there was no funnel experience, I passed by awareness, comprehension, and preference and skipped directly to purchase. Makes me wonder about the logic of many marketing programs as well as accompanying analytical efforts to measure results.”

Knowing where a funnel matters most, and where it matters less, is critical. Aaker makes a key point that for many, brand awareness up front might not even matter and can be replaced by recommendation. I’ve long argued that most marketers would do well to focus on replacing awareness with recommendation.

How do you drive recommendation?

  • Loved

Toby’s Estate in NYC

For those of you looking for a Flat White in NYC, look no further than Toby’s Estate. You’ll also be able to experience Pro Barristas pouring hot water into a ceramic double dripper from a Hario kettle, or pulling a carefully calibrated shot of espresso from one of only two La Marzocco Strada machines found stateside.

  • Connect


Since moving away from a Windows-based notebook and my much loved Livewriter I’ve been searching for a great blog-posting tool. The options on a Mac are pathetic or expensive. Recently I discovered Scribefire, and so far it’s a great tool for posting to a WordPress blog. One of the neater features asks if you’d like to post to other blogs at the same time, meaning with one click I can post to both WordPress and Typewriter.

  • Loved

One Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is something I’ll write about more soon. In the meantime, I just stumbled across this quote that is thought-provoking:

“Every one of us can send emails on Sunday night, but how many of us know how to go to the movies on Monday afternoon? If you don’t know how to go to the movies from 2 to 4, you’re in trouble because you’ve just taken on something that unbalances life, but you haven’t rebalanced it with something else.”

Ricardo Semler

  • Learned

The Way To Make Coffee

Espresso, Intelligentsia from The D4D on Vimeo.