• Loved

MIX Mobile Coming to an App Store Near You Soon

The team at RD2 have cooked-up a great new App for Gary Hamel’s Management information Exchange. If you don’t follow the Exchange, it is a must read for any leader. Here’s the link to the Android version. IOS is in the approval process.

  • Inspired


Was reading this post over the weekend and thought I’d share it with you. It’s well worth the read. And there is this gem that gets at the spirit of CAN:

The idea isn’t just to build a better brainstormer—but to equip people with what the Stanford psychologist Albert Bandura terms “self-efficacy.” Kelley, who ranks Bandura among the most important psychologists in history (after Freud, Skinner, and Jung), describes self-efficacy as “the sense that you can change the world and that you can do what you set out to do.” Imagine if that quality shared pride of place on diplomas and résumés with degrees and competencies? Add resilience, equanimity, and compassion—and you see the building blocks of a “skill set” that’s fit for the future.

  • Connect

Site of the Week

Very cool… https://www.hellomonday.com/

  • Connect


Love this idea… what better way to find investors and get them to engage.

  • Loved

Fail… Like I was Saying

Loved this cartoon from Hugh which gets at my comments recently on the need for NZ to open up on business failures, celebrate entrepreneurs and to learn to fail faster.