Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

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Productivity Tip #5

Lifehacker has this little gem: Instead of clicking on the Start menu and dragging your pointer through menus and submenus of programs, launch what you need without ever taking your hands off the keyboard in Vista. With a single tap of the Windows key, you’ll invoke the Start menu, and your cursor lands conveniently in the search box. Begin to enter the name of the program you need, and Vista will find it as you type. Hit Enter to launch the right choice.

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Recommended Reads

  • Missed this one… Google’s PR heads goes to Facebook
  • Deliberate Practice… good stuff from Steve.
  • I like this idea from Stowe… microPR. Damn the press release… “I am pushing for a new style of MicroPR, where the media being used channel discussion in better ways than the marketspeak sprawl that we have witnessed in recent years. Fewer useless and ungrounded superlatives, fewer bogus quotes that no CEO ever uttered, fewer bullet points, fewer words.”
  • The Power of Social Network Sites
  • Understanding Internet Operations key to operating Web 2.0 companies. Dead right. I see too many entrepreneurs who haven’t thought through this part of the business plan.
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Productivity Tip #4

Got a big or even multiple screens that you have to traverse looking for a folder to click on? Wander no more… While you should be able to do this anywhere in Vista (sigh!) what you need to do is assign a key to a Windows shortcut. First, create a shortcut for the file, folder or program you use often, place a shortcut on your desktop and assign a keyboard combination to it. Now, with a couple of keystrokes you can launch it. It’s simple to set-up:

  1. Add a shortcut to file or folder on your desktop (Right-click, Send to Desktop as shortcut). Right click the new shortcut and click Properties.
  2. In the Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab. In the Shortcut key box, enter a Control-Alt key combination or a Control+Shift key combination then click OK. I prefer Control+Shift  – the keys are closer together…
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