Archive for the ‘Required Reading’ Category

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Life’s Little Gems

Today mine was taking Sophia to meet Michael Leunig and have him sign his new and brilliant book. Made me smile ear to ear. Got one for you to Phil – a big thank-you for introducing me to Michael some 20 years ago.

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Stunning Photo Fact

Digital + Camera + Smartphone + Social = Awesome.

Instagram saw a new record set during Thanksgiving 2012 in the US: 10 million photos shared at a rate of 226 per second during the peak at 12:40PM PST. For several hours on Thursday, its users posted more than 200 photos about the American holiday every second.

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Why Does Thomas Keller run the best restaurants on earth?

A sense of urgency. From his kitchen:

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I love stumbling on brilliant ideas and product innovation. Inspiring.

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What Value do you Add?

I liked this description of the value marketing should add… and this critique of what marketers do:

True marketing means reframing your propositions to be relevant to your target audience, in language they understand, and to appeal to what they already believe and value.