The Race Of All Races…
For all you yachties be sure to tune into the Rolex Transatlantic Challenge. Imagine two hundred foot plus racing machines cutting across the top of the planet. These are two of the biggest, fastest yachts ever built. Charlie Brown says it all:
Designed by Greg Elliott, who was also part of Mari-Cha IV’s design team, Maximus may be 40 feet shorter than her rival but benefits from state-of-the-art technology, maintains Charles Brown. He too is enthusiastic about the race celebrating the anniversary of Charlie Barr and Atlantic’s record-breaking voyage. “It is the greatest challenge, a 100-year-old record, what better could you do? Charlie Barr was the most famous yachtsman in the world. It has everything to do with why we built the boat. And it is extreme stuff. You go north, near the ice, and it is 3,200 miles – a really fantastic race.”
I wish these guys would RSS enable their sites though…
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