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RSS Readers…

I’m looking at Windows-based RSS readers. Sigh! This has all come about due to incompatibilities between Macs and PCs which has required I start using my little Windows notebook more. It is lighter, noiser, fast and incredibly annoying. (And, this really is another story…)

I tried Newsgator for a week but just couldn’t handle the navigation of hundreds of feeds via Outlook. And I simply hated the complexity of adding a feed. NetNewswire really makes this simple on the Mac. It was also pretty expensive and I couldn’t see any value in all the web integration.

This week I am on to Feeddemon. I’ll write a full review on the different readers given this is one of the most common recommendations I get asked for.

At the end of the day I am with Stowe, none of these really reflect the way we interact with Web 2.0.

5 Responses

  1. By Alexei on December 6th, 2005 at 11:19 am

    Try out NewzCrawler https://www.newzcrawler.com/ Download latest version 1.8 with a bunch of new features: smart folders, styles, subscriptions and autodiscovery wizards, synchronization of different copies, blog client and more. It can aggregate rss, atom, usernet groups (nntp), web pages.

  2. By Easton Ellsworth on December 6th, 2005 at 2:35 pm

    Newsgator is my current newsreader of choice, but that might not be the case much longer if it continues to be maddeningly slow and complicated at times. Like you, I’m annoyed at how hard it is to add and manage feeds. I like how quickly it updates me, though. I’m still tackling the whole Newsgator vs. Bloglines vs. Rojo vs other news readers. If only a truly fast, customizable, free reader were to magically appear!

  3. By Tom on December 6th, 2005 at 2:57 pm

    Big fan of FeedDemon – obviously it uses the NewsGator engine, and you can sync it with multiple locations. Very helpful if you read feeds at home/work/elsewhere.

  4. By Larry Borsato on December 16th, 2005 at 6:46 pm

    I’ll second the NewZCrawler vote. It was the best one I found. I’ve switched to a Mac and now use NetNewsWire, and NewzCrawler was the closest to NetNewsWire in functionality on the PC.

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