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I watch the ongoing diatribe about the stupidity of PR people pitching bloggers with some frustration. Most PR people I know are very smart and get that this is all about relationships and participation – it’s not about pitching. None of them are in the blog spam game. All are overly sensitive to the bloggers wants and needs. Thus, I swing to the defense of PR pros.

Then idiots send me emails like this and I loose all faith:

…reading your blog had always being a great experience in getting the information on the technology and security specifically.

I am working with XXXX a company providing the XXXX based security solutions.We would like to know if you could use the information from our site to write the blog entry for your readers. You can visit us at XXXX to read about our company.

Your time and early response in this regards is appreciated.

name, PR Manager…

First, mirroring the email strategies of scammers and con-artists is never a good approach. Second, before entering the blogosphere, at least spend a minute figuring out how it operates. Third, treat bloggers with the same commonsense approach you would a journalist – unless you have something specific, that they are going to be specifically interested in, don’t bother them. Finally, we are not communications outlets for your messages.

What is interesting here is the same goes for ‘business blogs’. It’s equally offensive to receive pitches suggesting that I pop onto XXXX site and post on the genius of your ways.

I’m not going to paint all PR folks – or even the profession – with the same brush – it’s time we we separated the Pros from those who can’t seem to grasp the fundamentals of modern communications.

2 Responses

  1. By Anton Chuvakin on August 29th, 2007 at 11:01 am

    I had a few of those too; most who spammed me with reqs to post stuff about them sounded pretty amazingly stupid. On one occasion, it resulted in my making fun of them on my blog 🙂

  2. By Nikki on August 30th, 2007 at 11:41 am

    Hi Andy,

    Very amusing blog on PR’s and blogs. I think the problem stems from a huge lack of understanding from the PRO perspective. New Media is still (surprisingly) viewed as a tier 2 target by most PR agencies (with hard copy still rated as the #1 media) and therefore don’t deem to train the employees as such. It’s frustrating but eventually they’ll catch up – or lose business as a direct result.

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