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You’ve Seen the Cover… Now Reality

BusinessWeek’s cover on Web 2.0 zillionaires irked me. Total hype and lousy reporting. All about selling mags on the newsstand, not informed commentary. Seems Kevin Rose is bringing the story back down to earth himself:

“I’m not a multi-millionaire, I’m not a millionaire or even a thousand-aire. … I can’t even afford a couch in my new apartment.”

One Response

  1. By Ed O’Meara on August 9th, 2006 at 2:21 pm

    So, from where did the Kevin Rose story come? The $10k/mo PR agency, one of the media-savvy investors looking to pre-pump the valuation, or the BusinessWeek publisher just back from being pitched on introducing a Digg-ified digital edition?

    Anyone? Anyone?

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