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Apple… At It Again…

At what point does Apple realize that it’s customer base is bigger than ever before and that we don’t like this kind of behavior. We love you. Please be nice to other people. We don’t like it when you wield the power we have given you this way:

John Wiley & Sons, a leading publisher of technology books, said Apple Computer has removed all its titles from the shelves of Apple stores in apparent retaliation for the upcoming publication of a biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs… The Merc

Steve Jobs has no problem with free speech. You are free to say whatever you want about him or Apple, and, if he is displeased, he is free to retaliate by whatever means his pique dictates… Good Morning Silicon Valley

For people who believe that any press is good press there is no better example than this of why you are, and have always been, wrong. Not only has Apple alienated loyal followers like me, but it’s probably driven up sales (and at least awareness) of a book that they didn’t want anyone to read.

Dan has more on this…


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