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Where Are Your Red Routes?

This is an interesting idea for any site. Driving your “red routes” has to be a good way to increase conversion.

Red routes describe frequent and critical activities

In defining red routes, it’s important to consider both the frequency and critical nature of the activity. Activities that customers carry out frequently are crucial to the success of the web site since they will determine customers’ perception of it. One example of a frequent activity might be search. In contrast, critical activities may be infrequent but users will hate your web site if these tasks are not well supported. An example of an infrequent but critical task might be editing my personal details stored on a web site. Finally, activities that are both frequent and critical are the web site’s bread and butter. Get these wrong and you may as well not be in business.

This is one of the few blogs I have hit in awhile that contains a wealth of great info. Worth a read. Enjoyed this as well.

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