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Oh The Irony Dan

Here’s Dan Lyons – hack, the man who lied about his identity for so long, pointing out that the media – intentionally or unintentionally – lied about Steve Jobs health. Then he has the audacity to suggest that:

The larger takeaway is what this episode says about how the media covers Apple. It’s one thing for PR flacks to tell lies. That is, after all, what they get paid to do. But it’s another thing for the media to join in on the action.

Let me get this straight – the media lied about Steve’s health based on anonymous sources inside Apple – liers – but not the PR “flacks” who actually didn’t lie but in this case are just liers because of his antiquated view of them.

Should Apple have been more transparent – perhaps. But you can’t fault them for maintaining the privacy of their CEO until such time as he felt it was impacting the business and chose to take leave.

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